Friday, September 18, 2015


I often use the word "transition" to replace change. Both professionally and in personal conversations. Many of my interlocutors attribute this to the fact that English is not my native language. But I am picky with words. It is deliberate.

It is oh so deliberate. I fear "change" is a very result-oriented word. Change, for me, is exclusively focused on the result, on the outcome of an event. Expected or sudden, change is its result.

Transition sweetly focuses on the overlap that exists between the present situation and what we think of as the "next". Transition sounds like we are going through the process mindfully, deliberately.

And once we focus on that, we learn that life itself is a flowing -sometimes bumpy- transformation, provided you stay permeable to the wonders that surround you, and allow every single person and event the opportunity to touch you.


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